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The Glow effect in REAVIZ allows you to add a glowing effect to various chart components. For example, if you want to add a glow to a bar chart, you would add the glow prop to the Bar component. This can enhance the visual appeal of your charts and help to highlight important data points or elements.

Where to use:

  • Highlight Data Points: Ideal for emphasizing specific data points or chart elements.
  • Enhance Visual Appeal: Useful for adding visual interest and improving the aesthetics of your charts.
  • Guide User Attention: Great for guiding user attention to key areas of the chart.



interface Glow {
   * The color of the glow.
  color?: string;
   * The x offset of the glow.
  x?: number;
   * The y offset of the glow.
  y?: number;
   * The blur radius of the glow.
  blur?: number;
   * The opacity of the glow.
  opacity?: number;